Today's Women in Tango: Carving Out Spaces

July 24, 2022

On July 24th at 1:00pm PST, Heyni Solera is giving a lecture at The Dome about Today's Women in Tango: Carving Out Spaces.

For the past six years, Argentina has seen the feminist movement increase in drive and power. In 2015, the movement "Ni Una Menos" mobilized women to form collectives and to fight for their rights. Several important pieces of legislation have passed as a result of this movement, such as the "Ley De Ocupo" and the legalization of abortion. Tango music has also been influenced by this movement as more female tango musicians begin to form all-women ensembles, take on positions of leadership, engage with the social change through protest and academic research, etc. Using an ethnomusicological approach, this lecture focuses on 14 different female tango musicians to shed some insight on how today's women in tango position themselves during this time period, and how they are carving out for themselves a space in a historically male-dominated genre.*

*All fundraisers at The Dome are private. Contact for more information.




Los Tangueros del Oeste